Home > FAQ > Internal RTMP server for JVC camcorder setup

Internal RTMP server for JVC camcorder setup

How to set up an internal RTMP server with JVC camcorder

Please note that the RTMP server is not a free feature included in every license and is available only from v6 of Streamstar SW

  1. Select RTMP server as  input Go  to Setup->General-> Camera inputs -> Input type -

  1. It will open RTMP input server setup

  1. Select at which network connection is present at the device will the server listen

  1. Select at which PORT will the server listen

  1. Press Start server, this will block the possibility to change server parameters while it is running

  1. Set Stream name

  1. Set audio and video delay and then press Apply

  1. Note the information that must be set at the camcorder (if IP is use the IP of the device info at the bottom of the GUI)

  1. Go to JVC cam option and connect to the camera


  1. In the Streaming settings tab set RTMP server  type and enter Destination IP address/ press use PC IP button and enter stream key, set all the parameters for stream and press apply changes

  1. Check information about the streaming server, when all correct press Start stream

  1. Check the camera input the signal should be present according to the delay time