Clean PGM -output option for external SDI-output and/or NDI-output
Jan 22 (7 months ago)
Tommi Palonen (Emtepa Oy) wrote
It would be very useful to be able to provide local clean pgm signal (e.g. only mixed camera signal + instant replys) from Streamstar SW as external output (SDI and/or NDI) so that one output could be used for example for the local screen at the sports arena without any graphics (DSK layers: CG, Overlay, Ingest, Logo) even if "dirty signal" with graphics is sent to live stream. The best option would be to have separate "clean signal" option parameters for SDI-out and for NDI-out - maybe even separate options for all DSK layers. Hopefully you can consider this feature request for the coming SW versions, and naturally I'm more than willing to help you with testing and evaluating possible release candidate versions... :-)